Scheduling Meetings

To schedule video meetings from within your calendar:

  1. Ensure that you have the video-conferencing application installed as an add-on to your account. Open your calendar, click the settings cog in the top right corner, and then select the "Get add-ons" option.
  2. Search for the video conferencing application add-on and click the envelope and calendar combo icon to install. Now you're ready to schedule your first video meeting.
  3. Open your calendar, tap the "+ Create" icon then Event.
  4. Enter the meeting details, set time and time zone (if needed), add invitees, or location
  5. Add links to the agenda or documents relevant to the meeting.
  6. Tap Add conferencing and select the video conferencing application (you may be prompted to log in).
  7. Tap Save.

Internal Meeting Scheduling

  1. Use the internal calendar “find a meeting time” feature to coordinate meetings with OCV team members. Enter the emails for each participant into the "Meet with..." box in the calendar. Availability for each participant will appear in your view. Then, when you select a meeting time, participants will automatically be invited and a video conference will be attached to the invite.
  2. It is important to set your working hours in the calendar and block out any personal time/events/PTO so that team members do not inadvertently schedule a time when you are not available.
  3. Meetings start right on time, and must be "speedy meetings." This means they end 5 minutes prior to a 30-minute slot or 10 minutes prior to an hour slot.

External Meeting Scheduling

When scheduling external meetings, provide external participants with a Calendly link to schedule with the relevant internal participants.