As per this snapshot proposal:

How to withdraw yield from Lido

Lido allows you to exchange ETH for stETH, which grows in your wallet. For instance, you may deposit 1 ETH and a few months later see you have 1.1 ETH in your wallet. This gives you two options: withdraw from Lido directly or swap stETH for ETH.

Withdrawing from Lido can be done completely asynchronously and without fees (except gas fees), but takes 6 days. Withdrawing via swap can be done instantly but must be done synchronously and there is typically a small fee (0.07%)

Withdraw from Lido directly

  1. Go to
  2. Connect multisig using WalletConnect
  3. Type in the amount you want to withdraw (something like x - 44.8 because we only want to withdraw yield, not capital)
  4. Click on Approve
  5. Have multisigners sign the approve tx
  6. Click on Request
  7. Have multisigners sign the request tx
  8. The multisig will now have an NFT for the requested amount - wait 6 days and then go to
  9. Connect multisig using WalletConnect
  10. Click on Withdraw
  11. Have multisigners sign the withdraw tx
  12. Done!

Withdraw via Swap

  1. Go to your fav swap protocol (ie
  2. Connect multisig using WalletConnect
  3. Select stETH as the “from” asset
  4. Type in the amount you want to withdraw (something like x - 44.8 because we only want to withdraw yield, not capital)
  5. Select ETH as the “to” asset
  6. Click on Approve
  7. Have multisigners sign the approve tx
  8. Click on Swap
  9. Have multisigners sign the swap tx
  10. Done!

How to widthdraw yield from AAVE

AAVE allows you to deposit assets (USDC in this case), automatically lends it out and adds yield to your deposit over time. Withdrawals on AAVE must be done synchronously (ie it’s time-sensitive)

  1. Go to
  2. Connect multisig using WalletConnect
  3. Ensure the “BASE” is the selected network
  4. At the top you should see the USDC position. Click on “Withdraw”
  5. Type in the amount you want to withdraw (something like x - 34,000 because we only want to withdraw yield, not capital)
  6. Have multisigners sign the withdraw tx
  7. Done!